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EmpowHER Guest

hi, i have a question...

I recently had unprotected sex (Jan. 7 and 8th) and and i am not expecting my period until the 21st of January..however i calculated my ovulation date and it falls on the 7/8th of January! we used the pull out method but on the 8th he ejaculated and then 5min later we were back at it....im not sure if this is even enough for me to get pregnant!?!? but now (6 days later) i am getting a crampy feeling (on and off) and on the 4th day (after having sex) i had some blood that was a light red/pink. I have also experienced a STRONG case of nausea but i heard that you dont get that symptom this early so i dont know if its related to this or something else. Could i be pregnant...when is the best time to take a test or see a doctor?


January 13, 2011 - 5:44pm


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