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Oh Marie - I can feel how stressed and worried you are by the way you wrote and what you wrote. It's difficult to prepare yourself for what you think may be coming, but when you go in and there's something very different, and you're completely unprepared, it's extremely stressful. And, to have your husband also dealing with a health concern is naturally compounding things for you.

I can't say that I know how you feel, as nobody can, but as someone who's recently experienced dealing with a health problem that was, as you put it, "overwhelming", I can relate to going to a strange doctor's office and having conversations you never expected to have and the awful, awful periods of waiting for answers.

Friends helped me through my situation, so I'd like to pass on some advice that I found helpful. It helps to sort priorities by making a list. If needed, get someone to help in making that list. Second, use the time that you have between now and Nov 23 to prepare for what's ahead and go into this experience as strongly as you can.
If you share this information with friends, they will want to help you, but won't know what to do. So, think through what you need (it's that list, again) and who could help with what.

I'm glad you have confidence in your doctors, and also that you have your husband there to support you as you go through this. See, it's not all bad, is it?

If you have questions, or need some resources, just write us and we will help you find the information or track down an expert who can assist you. Marie, I know it may seem like you're all alone in this, but you're not. Please keep us posted as you go forward with this and let us know how we can help. Above all, take good care of yourself. It's always important, but it's especially important now.
Talk with you again soon, Pat

October 28, 2009 - 5:25pm


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