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My son has a form of Autism called Asperger's Syndrome. He's very high functioning -- in fact, he's in his gifted class in Jr. High and if you met him, you'd never know that he even had this issue. Although he wasn't formally diagnosed with Asperger's until he was about 7, we knew from the very beginning that he was developmentally delayed. We started him with a developmental pediatrician as well as an occupational therapist and a physical therapist when he was three months old. We added a speech therapist when he was two years old. He had years of weekly therapy from his "team" of therapists. I strongly believe that if he hadn't had such early intervention, he'd have a much more severe form of Autism today. Parents should never brush off developmental delays. They should be addressed right when they're noticed -- it's never too early to start therapy to help with delays, no matter what the underlying issue is.

February 1, 2009 - 1:29pm


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