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Hi, I had my flu shot on 10/8 and immediately felt pain. LVN said maybe it's because she had to use a larger needle than normally used in the arm (the buttocks size - whatever that is). Since this was my first flu shot I thought..well ok then. I didn't know anything about where it should be injected, etc. It was injected 1 finger below the top of the shoulder. I have all the symptoms the other posters are stating. Fatigue when lifting (try folding clothes...Ouch), can't sleep on it, most pain at night, and of course, when lifting it in certain ways. I've been back and forth to drs. Finally had an MRI - result is I have a Partial Rotator Cuff Tear. Asked Dr. if injection did it...he said just a coincidence. Yeah Right!!! I have never before experienced any pain of any sort in that arm... and suddenly after I get a shot I have a coincidence of a tear in my rotator cuff....right where the injection was done ...with an oversized needle!!! So, this may be what some of you have. The only way to know is with the MRI. Haven't been back yet to start phys. therapy. Scared to get the cortisone injection he is recommending. Initiated a grievance so atleast don't have to pay the past and future copays. Still don't know how long it will last either. AAGGHH!!!

December 11, 2009 - 1:59pm


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