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I struggled with severe acne up until about age 28, tried everything except Accutane, and the only thing that ever worked for me was Proactiv. Now, my daughter is 14 and starting to have moderate acne... I am having a breakout right now, so I am trying it and if it works for me, you'd better believe this is what I will be teaching my daughter.

Also I am losing my hair in the crown. I spent years using steroids, antibiotics, natural remedies, and commercial products. Minoxidil worked for regrowing my hairloss, but caused my to have heart problems. So guess what: I also just put urine on my scalp.

I will be sure to update with my results, but one thing's for sure... the urine can't be any worse than any of the other drugs and chemicals I have used in the past. And yes, people, urine IS sterile.

December 11, 2010 - 12:03am


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