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EmpowHER Guest

I have been a user of the Wiley Protocol since the spring of 2004.
Since I am in my 60's and was surgurically made sterile in my early 30's, my quest for hormone balance resulted in more negative symptoms through the prevailing wisdom of the medical profession.
The final scenario was thyroid cancer, which I attributed to premarin. My discontinuance allowed me to heal myself through complimentary means and to eventually be led to meeting TS Wiley, reading her book, and talking to a local pharmacist who consented to compound this protocol for myself and friends who wanted to try this means of hormone replacement.

Since I had been off any hormone replacement for approximately 10 years, my body felt like it was feeding at the shores of a well spring of life I had not experienced since I was young.
It took a long time for my body to open its receptor sites and remember how to use these hormonal messengers that affect every cell in our bodies. Once it did I began to learn the truth about what our bodies really need to remain viable, strong and healthy.
For we aging boomers, of which TS Wiley is a member, we knew we had to create new in roads to healthy living. We had to expect respect and have courage in our convictions. We had to educate ourselves.

My yearly lab work indicates the view you would expect of a much younger woman. The initial beginning of osterporosis prior to intelligent hormone replacement, now shows lab results that I would have seen 10 years ago. My blood levels on all values are within "acceptable" AMA ranges and the office staff always comments "how are you doing this".

Since I now coordinate a Wiley Protocol User's group in this area of California, I have heard many stories from women in all age groups.
(yes, even 20 year olds can be hormone deficient). For the majority, it is the only answer that has brought them a quality of life that makes life worth living. It is not a solution for everyone, but it certainly is for many.
So, for those on the fence, please know that the research Dr. Taguchi and TS Wiley so wisely presents to you in Sex, Lies and Menopause is your road map to hormone replacement.
Always bear in mind that most docs do not have a clue about hormones. Those that do, have personal opinions.
What matters is what you know, how this life giving endrocrine symphony functions, and how you feel.

This is after all YOUR body and your LIFE. Treat it with the respect and care it deserves, and it will serve you very well.

May 11, 2010 - 12:43pm


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