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Alysia, count me as firmly in your camp.

Seems like it takes me a good week or two to adjust to daylight savings time each year (springing forward bothers me more than falling back).

We lived in Arizona for three years, and Arizona doesn't follow DST (they don't need that extra hour of heat at the end of the day, lol!) We absolutely loved it. Our bodies fell much more into a natural rhythm of waking with the daylight outside (which happened around 5 or 5:30) and falling asleep earlier. For the first time in our lives we weren't using alarm clocks. I understand the reasons behind DST, but when we lived there I became convinced that by changing the clocks twice a year, we were messing with Mother Nature's natural rhythms in our bodies to an incredible extent.

We're now back in the DST world. And that twice-a-year change still bugs us. I must say, though, that one small thing that makes it easier now is the number of clocks who reset themselves -- cell phones, computers, television boxes and so on. Otherwise you can spend half a day resetting everything from the car clock to the coffee pot (both of which are still manual; my car clock has been off for two years because I can't find the manual!)

When we lived in Atlanta, a coffee shop chain called Caribou Coffee was totally sympathetic. If you went and got coffee there on the Sunday that the time changed, you got "I survived DST" stickers. Always good for a smile.

Yours in feeling jostled around,

March 10, 2009 - 8:41am


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