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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, same with me, I ended up on 4 different antibiotics over a 3 month period for the same issue. This was last year, and now I have several problems, 1 of which is the stomach ~ STILL. Eating active yogurt helps. But I constantly feel flu ish, body pains, muscle aches, and TMJ. I also suspect Vagel nerve issues. You have to be so careful! but antibiotics are needed too. I am hoping mine goes away, but my intuition is inching towards fybro due to the heavy constant dosages I was on. They CAN eventually affect your system in a more permanent way, contrary to popular poo pooing of this, its true. I would suggest the yogurt twice a day, and vitamins as well as gentle excersise and rest. Organic foods are best too, vs processed.

December 21, 2011 - 11:00pm


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