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First of all, I want to dispel the myth that everyone who is anti abortion is religious, (For whatever dumb reason that is, there's a gross misperception that everyone who does not believe in abortion is religious) I am ATHEIST, and I am ANTI-abortion, and have no reservation about saying it for the following reasons:

I am against anything that poses threats to individual, and public health, and abortion does:

1. Acute Hematometra
2.retained fetal and placental tissue)
Retained tissue is the result of an incomplete abortion. This may cause excessive and prolonged hemorrhage. A life-threatening later complication is septic infection of the uterine lining.
3.Endometritis (infection of the lining of the uterus) which can often be fatal
4.Uterine perforation and lacerations
6.Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation which in most cases is fatal
7.Cervical lacerations and injury which often results in death
8.Uterine Rupture
9.Embolism which very often is fatal
10.Breast Cancer the highest rate of this disease is among women who get abortion
And that's just a partial list of the dangerous health risks of abortion.

There is a big difference between abortion, and miscarriage which is simply a biological malfunction that can happen for a variety of reasons, the body is prepared for that. When a miscarriage occurs, the normal biological protocols activate, and all production of pregnancy hormones, and what have you is immediately stopped. In the event of abortion those natural biological protocols are completely bypassed, and that's just one of the reasons for the numerous potentially fatal physiological risks of abortion.

Every issue I address I come at from a scientific standpoint, that's what I believe in, feedback from the environment, universal laws, religion, and politics has no social relevance, and I disregard both of those.

Abortion is not something that any species that values itself would ever engage in, and in fact there is no reported species other than humans that does that.

As a man of color (Black, and Jewish) I take it personal the racial agenda of abortion, and yes there is a racial agenda here. Now to be clear, I don't support any woman subjecting herself to that, and if the occasion arises I will do my best to discourage any woman in my social circle from subjecting herself to that, however, I'm not going to ignore the blatant racial agenda behind the pro-abortion movement.

1. Margaret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood was a belligerent racist, and a eugenicist, she is directly quoted saying in speaking engagements that black people need to be culled from the human population.

2. The anti-abortion movement did NOT begin with Roe V Wade, it began decades prior to Roe V Wade in the black community. The Black Panthers would routinely plant explosive device outside of planned parenthood facilities in protest of the eugenics agenda of the organization, what were they reaction to?

4. Planned Parenthood has approximately 80% of it's facilities located in black and hispanic neighborhoods

5. Despite being 12% of America's population 37% of Planned Parenthood's clientele are pregnant BLACK women, and that is not a mathematically natural phenomenon!

6. Nearly 60% of pregnant black women get abortions, I can assure that is not by accident!

7. Planned Parenthood puts more billboard adds, buss stop, and train station adds in black, and hispanic neighborhoods, than anywhere else!

That is why abortion has always been a plague in the black, and hispanic communities in America. I want to again state the fact that the anti-abortion movement began in the black community. Roe V Wade was the catalyst for the white population getting into the anti-abortion movement.

Ask yourself this question, why is it that when America offers foreign aid to places like Haiti, Zimbabwe, Guyana, Tanzania, and other places where the majority population is people of color there's always a string attached, and that string is for the governments of those countries to adopt eugenics policies for their populations, and that gets no reaction from the public in America. Imagine a natural disaster occurring in Finland, say an ice storm that brought their infrastructure to ruins, and the government of Finland appealed to America for aid, and America offers aid with that same ultimatum as they do to places like Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and Haiti, would the public take issue with that? Would the public write to the politicians, and tell them hey don't treat Finland like that, that's wrong?

I have compiled a list of things in society worldwide that are a waste of land, and Planned Parenthood, and other places like it around the world are an offensive waste of land! So that makes my list! A facility that's set up for destructive purposes, and nothing else, what the heck is with that?!

The spaces of land that Planned Parenthood's facilities take up could be used to:

1. Build aeroponic facilities that would produce virtually unlimited amounts of vegetables, fruits, seeds, all organic, high quality for people FOR FREE!

2. Build Geothermal facilities that would provide FREE electricity that's renewable, and totally sustainable!

3. Free Housing For People so people who are low-income don't have to sleep outside!


I say if a woman seriously doesn't want a the child, than leave the child somewhere or give the child up for adoption, there's no purpose for a psychopathic surgical procedure for that purpose of relieving her of the responsibility of a child other than monetary gain for the allopathic cartel, go give birth in an isolated are, and leave the child outside someone's door, that is if the father doesn't want the child. What would a woman have done before Planned Parenthood existed? more than likely as I suggested!

As I state in the beginning of this article, I am an ATHEIST. I deem it necessary to remind folks of that because there are far too many folks who look at the issue of abortion as a religious versus none-religious issue. I urge folks reading this, thinking about this issue to stop thinking about this in terms of religion, politics, or anything else that's cultural, and not socially relevant, and think about this in terms of universal laws, cause=effect, action reaction, feedback from the environment, what has positive results for an individual, and the whole of humanity, and what has negative results, because that's all that's relevant, either something works or not, either something is healthy for, and positive for someone or not, either something is natural or not, either something is supported by natural, and universal laws, or not!

February 3, 2011 - 1:19am


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