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I am laughing so loudly at all this!

And, from the point of view of BEING the firstborn:

First child's curfew: 10 p.m.
Second child's curfew: midnight
Third child's curfew: before breakfast

First child's school expectations: A's, unless you have a really good explanation.
Second child's school expectations: B's, and the teacher says that's fine.
Third child's school expectations, C's are good as long as you're not in the principal's office.

On how the first child dresses: You're not wearing that.
On how the second child dresses: You're wearing that?
On how the third child dresses: At least he's wearing something.

I could go on and on. But my sister (second child) and brother (third child) could probably add too much of their own here, so I'll stop, LOL.

March 23, 2009 - 9:51am


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