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Hello - I noticed nobody has written since you have updated your blog. Your blog title caught my attention - being married 20 years and 2 kids - just wanted to hear from other females. After reading your update, I wanted to write you. I lost my mother - my best and dearest friend - a few days after my first son was born. Friends, friends of friends, and even people from a small, local eatery sent me cards telling me their experiences of loss. One person even wrote a peom! It eventually helped me get through - I'm sorry for your loss and heartbreak. For some reason, I clicked on your blog. I did not read everyone's input and opinions with your original blog, but I will say - my heart aches and I will keep you in my thoughts. I think you have contributed to more women/men with your blog. Thank you very much!!! xoxoxxo

May 10, 2010 - 4:22pm


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