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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

it's the cultural personality split. There is no such thing as God as a separate. That is sort of like saying I Love and then being told that Love is a being of some kind. This is a perception that we have that is generated in being self reflective. We perceive ourselves as reflecting upon ourselves and this is illusionary. We reflect on events and perceive those events as us. the statement "I lift my arm" is an absurd statement based on just being sensical but these metaphorical constructs of the observer and actor independent of each other gives rise to this. this is culturally reinforced, so even the statement "I believe in God, or I do not believe in God" is ultimately completely absurd. It's a framework with no validity to it at all. God is a place holder word of experience so the very least the experience is true, exactly what that means is not fully understood except in context of connectedness at the deepest levels. A word that has no form at it's deepest levels with no clothing. For Bi polars the word God is a very real, but it needs to be understood holistically, and thus the paradigm of internal/external dualites need to be broken. This is not easy for most people, bipolars need to learn to re frame their experiences to that and be both logical and heartful. We need to learn to demystify reality, while most people are leaning to mystify reality. Atheists live in a the same framework as religious people, they apply mysticism to reality, The perceive that they are logical. HA......LOL.

November 17, 2009 - 12:23pm


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