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Expert (reply to Anonymous)

I think it is best to find the best urogynecologist for the pelvic reconstructive surgery and the best plastic/cosmetic surgeon for the tummy tuck. They can they work together at the same time. I do this quite a bit and have worked will with several renowned plastic surgeons. However, there are risks to this approach since it becomes a very long case. It is perhaps better to split the surgeries up into two sessions. Part of the reason is that tummy tucks with lipo involved may make the mons pubis and labial tissues very edematous and can interfered with any labial type surgery if you had any. Tummy tucks won't interfere or disrupt internal vaginal surgeries. I do not know of a single surgeon who is the best in both type of surgeries. For my money and health, I would go to the best for each different surgery.

Hope this helps,
Red Alinsod, M.D.

April 16, 2012 - 9:58am


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