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EmpowHER Guest

Hi Susan!

Thank you for replying.
Sorry I was really freakin out and messed up with my dates. First appearance of wet, cloudy discharge is on May 10 until today May 15,2012 I have the same discharge wet, cloudy and not stretchable. May I ask if I was fertile on May 9, 2012? or is it under my fertile window.

For the morning after pill, it is really strict here in our country. The pharmacist said that I have to go to the doctor and had a prescription before they dispense it My boyfriend said that he was very sure that nothing came out and he didn't want me to suffer the serious side effects like throwing up and delayed period.

Yes, I will abstain from sex first. Im still unsure of whats happening in my body. I always think I am pregnant already..

Thank you and hoping for your reply.

May 14, 2012 - 10:07pm


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