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Hello! I'm a mess right now and some help other than "go to the doctor for a test" would be appreciated as I'm going today. I'm 16 years old and my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex this month (he pulled out before he came and he peed before.. Still stupid I know). My period usually comes every 27 days but two months ago it came after 26 days. Now it's the 32nd day(5 days late) and it still hadn't come. I noticed I've been eating a lot lately (normally happens before period) as well as mood swings. My breasts are tender, but that normally happens before my period as well... I've been very stressedthud past month with school exams and sports so maybe it could be due to stress? I'm really really scared, and I honesty don't know what I will do if I am pregnant. Thankfully I have a very supportive boyfriend.xx thanks for any opinions!

June 5, 2012 - 9:41am


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