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EmpowHER Guest

so I just saw these comments and found them all very helpful. I'm hoping my late/missed period stress related issues. I had sex on may fifth, he had on a condom but when he pulled it out he ejaculated an I felt like a great wamth feeling, idk if this was a leak or just our body temperatures...I got my regular period for may 8-13 but now my period is five days late according to my period calendar. I havent had sex since and I've been under great stress due to the end of school and my softball team and now worrying about being pregnant. I've also been taking acai berry pills that are said to cleanse out your system . I have minor back pains and diarrhea . please help, my parents will not be happy if I'm pregnant I m only 17!!!!!

June 8, 2012 - 4:38pm


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