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hey guys. i give birth to my first son on july 8 then had my period september 24. I counted 28 days since my first period until now. I am 4 days late and strictly breastfeeding! but we use pacifier to let him sleep when he finished drinking. Uhm, i had a severe stomach pain and kinda having a light fever but no Pg symptoms. But still scared because my son is still 3 months old and i dont want to have another this early! We used pull out method too. My boyfriend told me not to worry cuz he really didnt ejaculate. But how come i missed my period? 4 days delay.. But i have a vaginal discharge, like plain white and kinda light pink (idk, kinda brown?). Oh god, i dont know what to do. Am i pregnant? I didnt use prgnancy test yet.
please reply. dont kno wat to do

October 25, 2012 - 8:41am


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