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hello all,
i had intercourse on the 29th of september twice. We fooled around a bit for a couple of seconds on both intercourses before he put his condom on but he did not ejaculate at that moment. he did cum on both intercourse, but only later when the condom is on. He also cleansed and urinated in between intercourse. the first day of my last period was the 24th of september and lasted for around 4 days (so we did it only a day after i finished my period). my cycle is quite irregular but on average its every 28 days. so i am *assuming* that i'm supposed to have them again on 22nd of october at the latest but still no period until now (28 october, so 6 days late). i took hpt on the 25th and 27th both with negative results.

i have to admit i am kind of lost track of my ovulation period the last couple of months, but last time i felt them (thick eggwhite-like discharge) coming on around the 5th-8th of october.

i currently have all what looked like my usual pms symptoms both psychologically and physically such as bloating, hot flushes, abdominal cramps, pain on muscular joints, mild-heavy headache, insomnia, and slight change in body odor. one symptom is missing though - the breast pains. usually i also have mild depression and anxiety, but on my last period on september, and also during these last couple of days, it snowballed to a severe paranoia. i am already under stress because of work and other personal problems, so i am very biased right now wether it's pms or pregnancy symptoms. btw, i am currently not on pill.

i really am not expecting for any child at the moment, and been crazily expecting AF to come. i am going to arrange for blood test on monday but i just need others' opinions as i am dead worried and biased. please help me what do you guys think, is it likely that i am pregnant? thanks in advance :)

October 28, 2012 - 2:06am


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