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I started birth control about 6 years ago, stopped in early December because I was having adverse side effects and felt better when I stopped for the week of my period.
I have now been off for 3 full months, and should have started my period 5 days ago. The 3 periods prior to this were right on track and this time I haven't had any spotting or bleeding at all. My husband and I have only had protected sex since going off the pill.
I have been having lower abdominal cramping similar to period cramping (but far weaker) for the past 3 days. I thought it might be a signal my period had arrived but so far only clear mucus. My breasts are quite tender, and (normally a stomach sleeper) find it slightly uncomfortable to lie on my stomach.
My husband is sure I'm not pregnant because "we've been using protection" but I'm not so sure. I have been under no more stress than normal so I don't think stress is affecting it.
I have not taken an HPT yet but wondering if I should, and if so, if I should wait a few more days prior to taking it?

February 17, 2014 - 8:15pm


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