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EmpowHER Guest


I'm kind of freaking out now. I had sex last Friday and Saturday with my boyfriend. Both times were protected with no breaks or leaks. On Saturday we also had unprotected anal sex but no semen "came out" down there and I got rid of it all in the toilet after and was careful to wipe backwards. My period was supposed to come on Tuesday and now it is 2 days late. I was under a lot of stress because both me and my boyfriend are exchange students in Germany but he lives so far away we can only see each other once every 3 months and I was very sad to say goodbye to him and stressed over this possible pregnancy. I've also had a bit of a UTI I think(peeing quite often and it BURNS) and now the UTI is gone after cranberry pills. I get a cramp here and there, and sometimes my breasts feel a bit tender but pretty weak for pms symptoms. I don't really think I'm pregnant but I am a little uneasy about the late period!! Thanks in advance!

March 7, 2014 - 1:11pm


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