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EmpowHER Guest

Ah, it's like every comment is me. My boyfriend and I had protected sex (Though he didn't pull out) right around the time I would expect to have ovulated. I am 99.999999% sure I'm just being paranoid, because we were about as careful as could be expected (he wouldn't touch me after touching the condom or himself until after washing his hands), but I have been stressing about this since the event.
It's only been a day late, but I can't seem to induce it no matter what I do. In addition to this, I've been getting cramps for the past couple of weeks (which, again, feels like stress more than it does any actual conception, but it's not a fantastic sign in any situation)

(There's a question in here somewhere!)

Is it likely that the stress around the time of ovulation may have delayed my entire cycle? Could it be that the continued stress is delaying my period? Or...should I go buy a test...?
(In addition, I have all of the feelings that my period should be arriving, the only thing missing is the period itself!)

March 11, 2014 - 5:47pm


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