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EmpowHER Guest

HELP! I"m going through the same thing. Here's my problem, my boyfriend and I had sex at the very end of my period last month when it was extrememly light, but then once he penetrated i started bleeding heavily again. But, he only went in a couple of times, probably 3. After that, we used a condom everytime and only had sex probably 7 times and then just oral the rest of the month. I've been working more and still have my moodiness that I always get with my period. I take birth control and I worked late one night and missed a pill by 4-5 hours. I take my pills at 8 every single night and missed it once and took it at 12:30am. I missed the pill about 4 days before my expected period and two days after I started bleeding like my period but it wasn't a lot because it would only fill half a regular tampon. This happened for 3 days and then turned into an extremely light spotting. It's the 3rd day of my period and it still hasn't come yet but I have experienced my usual period like symptons, like back pain, fatigue, but like I said it's completely normal. I took 3 different home pregnancy tests, one 5 days before, one 3 days before period and one on the second day of my missed period and they were all negative. So, is it the stress at work that's stopping my period or is there still a chance I may be pregnant?? I always had irregular periods before but since I've been on birth control they've been pretty regular, but sometimes they'll start the first day of the reminder pills and somedays the sixth but lately they've been starting the 3rd day of the reminder pill. Someone please help reassure me so I don't stress so much! :(

May 23, 2009 - 7:29pm


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