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EmpowHER Guest

Hey ladies
I really need some help right now…
I’m 16 years old and I think I may be pregnant.
I had my first “sexual encounter” on May 11, and 13...my boyfriend and I were touching eachother (skin to skin) but there was no intercourse. However, I’ve been terrified that he could have touched himself before he started to touch me since he did penetrate me with his fingers…I know that some sperm dies once it hit’s the air, but what are my chances that I could be pregnant?
I haven’t been any more tired than I normally am…but the in the past week my breasts have hurt very badly…but that could just be pms I guess…and right now I’m also sick…I have an upper repertory infection.
My cycle has been regular for the past 6 years. My last period started about the 22 or 23 of April and went away by the 26. I went out and bough 2 first response pregnancy tests…I took one Friday (5/22) and then one in the morning on Saturday (5/24)…both were negative. I did start to bleed yesterday (5/24) in the afternoon, and I thought it was my period, but then I realized its not as heavy as my normal flow…could this be implantation bleeding?
I don’t know how much of a factor this could be, but I’ve been under an extreme amount of stress this month with school and family…could that cause a light period?
I’m just so scared right now…sex is never talked about in my house and is kind of seen as taboo…I don’t know why but that’s just how it is…

May 25, 2009 - 5:17am


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