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Hi, Anon. So glad you found us here. Let's see what we can figure out for you.

From what you say, I would say chances are very very very slim to none that you are pregnant. If what you say is true -- that you were just touching skin to skin but that there was no penetration -- then the only way you could have been pregnant would be if he had some pre-ejaculate on his penis and had gotten it on his hands before he put his fingers inside you.

If your period started on April 22-23, and if your cycles are 28 days long on average, your fertile period would have been from May 2 to May 12. So you would be right on the outside edge of your fertile time when you were with your boyfriend.

I think that the bleeding that started 5/24 is probably your period. And yes, extreme stress can cause a light, irregular or heavy period, because our hormones are totally reactive to stress in our lives.

I think that your fears are probably not necessary. I would guess that you are on your period right now and that the end of the school year and the beginning of summer, warm weather and this new intimacy with your boyfriend are all making you stressed out.

But if you think that you might be planning on having intercourse with your boyfriend in the future, what will you do for birth control and/or protection from STDs? Have you thought this through? Can we help in any way?

May 25, 2009 - 6:18am


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