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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, Anon, and welcome to EmpowHer. Thanks for your question.

The fact that he didn't ejaculate in you makes the chances of your being pregnant much lower, but that chance still exists. Men have something called "preejaculate," which comes out of their penises before ejaculation. Generally, withdrawal has a 25% failure rate over the course of a year, which means that of all couples using withdrawal as their birth control, 25% of them do become pregnant within a year. So the chance is still there. But it's more remote than if he were to have ejaculated inside you.

I think it's even more remote since you had sex on day 33 of your cycle. Personally, I am guessing that you are just late due to stress or change in your life, the heat, an increase in activity or a change in diet -- many things along those lines affect our hormones and can change our cycles.

But if you want to take a HPT to make sure, yes, by now it should be able to give you a good result. Many HPTs are set up to give you a result within 1 to 2 days after a missed period. HPTs measure for something called HGC, a hormone that is only found in pregnant women. They are sensitive enough to measure for small amounts.

Here's my question for you: If you pay for an HPT and it's negative, will you believe it? Or will you just think that maybe you should have waited longer to take it? Because if that's the case, you will waste your money on the test. We've had some questions lately from women who have taken tests more than once but still believe they might be pregnant. The truth is that until that period comes, we always feel a little anxiety about it, no matter how much it doesn't seem possible.

Do you need more information about birth control? Have you considered seeing a gynecologist or going to a clinic to have a checkup and get on some form of birth control? Or, at the very least, buying condoms so that you will have even less of a chance of pregnancy (and of sexually transmitted diseases)?

June 29, 2009 - 9:29am


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