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(reply to Anonymous)

You can't worry like this. If you haven't had intercourse, or even close to it, then she cannot be pregnant. It just can't happen. And if you can get yourself to be calmer, it will help her. You need to reassure her that you know she's not pregnant and that her period will come soon and that it'll be fine. Because stress can make a period later, did you know that?

If you both need her to take a pregnancy test to find out, you can buy them in the grocery store, drug store or any large store like a Wal-Mart or K-mart. You don't have to have permission to buy them and they are not in a glass case or anything. The generic ones are as good as the name-brand ones. But you want to get one that tells you as soon after a missed period as possible.

However, will you stop freaking out if the test is negative but she still doesn't have her period? It sounds to me that no matter what the test said, you will still be worried until her period comes. And believe me, Jason, this isn't the first time in your life that you're going to wish someone's period would just hurry up and get here. Or hurry up and get over with. Or just plain go away. (Now you know a little bit about how we feel.) It is on its own time frame and there isn't anything you can do to hurry it or delay it. It just doesn't work that way.

In terms of birth control, you also can buy condoms over the counter. You know that, right? They have to be used correctly and 100% of the time, but they are a LOT better than using nothing and worrying. However, you're worried right now and you didn't even have intercourse. So I'm not sure that even condoms would make you feel better right now.

Are you worried that she has been unfaithful?

July 8, 2009 - 10:08am


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