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thanks susanc ... my appointment is tommorow july 9,2009 i will ask for all that has 2 do with pregnancy and to make sure it aint nothing else.... my last pap test was a year ago... but i did have a abortion on august 2,2008 and i never went back 4 a check up can that be a problem for whats happening to me? im not trying to avoid having a baby just that im not sure what will happen if i am i do have a 18 month old baby boy and at this point i am not working at all... so it is problably 2 early i do what to be on some kind of birth control just not the pills always forget or just dont like the side effects... i am a very slim person i eat n i dont gain weight at all maybe like 3 pounds and lose it again.. i havent been stress out or anything but maybe its just a change as you say all da running around with my son the up and down.... but anotehr questin if its my period why is it coming out brownesh its tat normal???...... n thnks for responding 2 me....

July 8, 2009 - 1:35pm


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