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EmpowHER Guest

I was just wondering is it possible stil to get ur period whilst pregnant ?

I had unprotectd "fooling around!" 2/3 wks ago, and my period came yestrday, ive been reali nauseous and got alot of pregnancy symptoms, could the bleeding be spotting or am i getin worked up over nothing?
I have also put on weight around my lower back, bum n boobs, and my boobs are really sore and tender for over a wk now, which usually dont hurt until i get my period starts, It might be all in my head but i was just wondering and then tonight i got sore pains in my stomach, but different to cramping.
I hate anything with a strong smell, i have went off chinese food i used to eat all the time i cant even mention now, and find it hard to sleep at night also ..

Thanks for the time, Niamh

July 9, 2009 - 4:10pm


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