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EmpowHER Guest

hi there. well I haven't been very regular lately for example I had my period about the 10th of january didn't have one february march and april both came about the 7th may it came about the 23rd but it was very weird it was very light that a panty liner was all i needed and it dragged for about 7 days when i'm normally 4 days.but i still counted it as a period so by the days i was expecting one by the 23rd of june i did have unprotected sex with my husband between the 10-15 not very sure. I usually have a 28-29 day cycle when we did it seemed like my period was coming i had some spotting but it stopped after having sex and my period never came it is now the 14 of july and still no period and no symptoms i have had 3 negative pregnancy test the last i took about a week ago.so now i have gone all of june and half of july without a period i wouldn't normally worry about it but we did have unprotected sex i have been stressed and i heard that can delay it but can it delay it this much? What are the possibilities I could be pregnant?

July 14, 2009 - 6:37pm


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