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Hi, I'm worried that I am pregnant and I wanted some help. I've looked all around the internet but have failed to find anything similar to my situation. I'm 18 and my boyfriend and I just recently started having sex about two months ago. My period started on june 15 and ended on the 22nd so it should have come already but hasn't. We had unprotected sex around the 4th or so of july but he pulled out. I took a pregnancy test around the 13th because he was worried about me being pregnant, it was negative. but now, my period is late and I have taken 2 more tests. One on the 22nd and one today, both were also negative. Lately, I've been very emotional/moody and have been experiencing cramps; also, there has been a very light brown tint (only recently, and occassionally) whenever I wipe after peeing. I don't know if this is just spotting before my period or if it is implantation bleeding. I have been very stressed recently and I just got over a bladder infection and stopped taking medication for it on the 22nd.I have an appointment with my gynecologist for the 5th of August for a pap but I really would like some input. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

July 27, 2009 - 12:41am


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