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i've been seeing my girlfriend fr a couple of months now and she decided to go on the pill. She has been taking it for about 2 mnths now. We have been using a condom aswell as the pill fr extra protection but one night we decided not to. This happened on the 19th ofJuly. 4 days ago she told me that about 4 days before this night she forgot to take the pill and took that days and the next at her usual time the next day!!! Her period was due Monday (26th)and it's now Thursday(29th) and she still hasn't got it.

I'm from a strict Christian fAmily where sex out Of marriage is frowned upon, whilst the idea pregnancy being incomprehensIble. We are both very young (her being 16) and the idea that she may be pregnant is devastating. First off what are the chances she is pregnant after taking her pill 20 odd hours late. Secondly we have discussed our options and are looking for information on abortion. Obviously morally this is extremely hard for us, and in some respects rather selfish, but at such a young age,especially in our situation religiously( we would be kicked out of our church and our lifes would b changed forever)
It seems like the only possible option. Obviously I am praying and strssing it doesn't come to that and it's all a scare but I wanna b prepared incase. I was wondering a)if she is 16 does she need parental consent for an abortion? B) how much do the usually cost???? I'm Being as supportive as possible, however I think I'm a whole lost more stressed then she is!!!/

thanks for you'd help

July 29, 2009 - 7:29am


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