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Hi everyone. I'm 19 years old and unsure whether or not I'm pregnant.

Here's the background. I was tracking my period for a few months. I got it on Feb 11th, March 14th, and April 13th. In May, my boyfriend of 2 years had to leave to another country for the summer which was extremely stressful. Anyway, a lot of drama happened and he cheated on me and broke up with me over the internet while over there. That was in June. July I was depressed. So that is the reason I probably stopped keeping track of my period...because of all that drama. I don't know the dates of when I got my period or if I even got my period in these past three months (May-July).

Anyway, in early August this month, I unfortunately had a rebound. We had unprotected intercourse the 3rd or 4th of August, but it was short and he did not ejaculate inside me. That doesn't worry me. Then we had unprotected intercourse every day from the 10th to the 13th or 14th. One day he was wearing a condom for a bit but we kept going for awhile so he took it off. He did not ejaculate inside or ejaculate at all during either session. He never ejaculated either time we had sex, but I'm just scared because it was unprotected and we had so much sex and one of the times we had sex for 3 hours which was pretty vigorous too.

The last day, 13th or 14th, is when I was expecting my period to come based on the pattern from Feb-April (but I can't be exactly sure when I should have been expecting it since I did not keep track of it for the past three months). While we were having sex, there was brown discharge that appeared on him. I had to wear a panty liner for three days after. The discharge did not smell and was enough to reach the panty liner. No pink blood either, just brown old blood. My regular period did not come though.

The thing is, the 13th or 14th my parents found out I was sneaking out to see this guy so I had a huge fight with them. Oh and the 18th-20th I did go camping which was hella stressful what with all the hiking and whatnot. And the other day (26th) I had another huge fight with my mother. The biggest fight ever.

I am a worry wart by nature and I get so stressed out that I have heart palpitations and chest pain sometimes. So the more I wait for my period to come, the more stressed I get that it hasn't come yet which I think delays it even more. And I've also been trying to figure out what to do about the rebound guy as well. Not to mention trying to still forget about my ex…and all the other episodes that happened this month…

I took an HPT a few days ago and it was negative but it was expired about a year so I know I can't trust that. It's been two weeks past the guessed expectation of my period. I don’t have any symptoms of pregnancy like the sore breasts or nausea or cravings. The closest I’ve gotten to symptoms was bloatedness or gas but I always get that during my period so it’s unreliable. From everything I've said, what are the chances I could be pregnant?

August 28, 2009 - 11:41am


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