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I am not sure whether or not I am pregnant or if the stress in my mind about it is freaking me out. I usually have a 28 day cycle period and my last period was July 27th and it lasted until the 30th. On the 16th I was at party and "fooled around." I don't remember much but I know I was fingered and he was inside of me for only a few seconds, but I'm not 100% if he ejaculated. I know we didn't have complete sex though because he wasn't able to. I had a UTI after that that went away on it's on around the 23rd (I didn't go to the doctors.) My expected period was the 25th and it came it right on time, at first it was brown (like the first time I ever had my period) and then the next day it was the usual red color with the clots. My period is usually heavy on the first couple days, and this was not. I wore a tampon and pad and on the 26th the pad did fill up, and I did even leak so I know the period wasn't spotting. But on the 27th I had a tampon and pad and the pad did not fill up at all. On the 28th, I wore a pad that was slightly filled with brownish/reddish discharge that I normally get when my period is ending. I also had some of that on the 29th. I'm not sure if that was period though because it was not as heavy and did not feel the same. My breasts are not sore or anything, but I did have cramping in my stomach and back/mood swings a couple days prior to the 25th when I got my first day of blood, so it could have been PMS but I'm not sure. I've also been extremely constipated, but I was able to go to the bathroom today finally, and I read that was also a sign of pregnancy. I just started college so I don't know if the stress of being away/thinking I'm pregnant is causing all of this, or if I could actually be pregnant. If anyone can help/give me advice that'd be really great.


August 31, 2009 - 9:05am


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