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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, Anon, and welcome. So glad you found us.

From what you write, my best guess would be that your period is late due to stress and change. Since it's your first week of college, things have been hectic and new for you, and that's enough to make our cycles several days late. Anytime we're hit with a big load of new stress, our hormones can freak out a little and our cycle can change.

From what you describe, I would say that yes, it's possible that you could have gotten pregnant, but there's only a very small chance. If he had ejaculate on his hands or if some slid down into the vaginal area, it's possible that sperm could have entered your vagina. But it's not likely.

Concentrate on school, wait another few days, try not to stress as much, and I think it's very possible that you'll start your period soon. If you don't, I think that testing in a week is a very reasonable thing to do.

September 4, 2009 - 9:21am


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