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EmpowHER Guest

I had unprotected sex about a month ago, and just last week took a pregnancy test twice (one at night and one the next morning.. it was First Response)... they both came out negative. I already had some type of bleeding 2 weeks ago, and my next period is due in about 2 weeks. But I've been extremely constipated ever since and it leads to bloating and although I do eat, I never really feel the need to. I'm not tired, no breasts tenderness, no nausea, just the heavy feeling in my stomach after eating. I had to take laxatives to get a good bowel movement and it worked great, but right after I got all constipated again. Should I take another pregnancy test? Or do you think this is all from me still thinking that I'm pregnant?

September 11, 2009 - 11:22am


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