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EmpowHER Guest

My period is late for 2 days. My cycle (a 28 day cycle) is very regular and never been late, it will only comes earlier. My last period is 22nd Aug and it lasted for 6 days, as usual.

I and my bfd had protected sex on Sept 5. The condom didn't break and we did use it correctly, at least the way it is for so many years.

Now my period is 2 days late (which i am never late with my period), with no usual signs of cramping/ tenderness of breasts etc that I normally get.

I don't know how likely I am pregnant, but I am paranoid since I'm not prepared for a child. I understand that stress could delay a cycle and I've been quite busy with work lately, not sure if it counts for stress.

Anyone would like to give me some advice?

September 24, 2009 - 3:11am


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