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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, Anon, and welcome to EmpowHer. Thanks so much for your question.

Yes, it's quite common for a woman's period to be irregular after coming off birth control. Some women spot, some have a heavier flow; some go late, and some miss a period entirely. It sounds as though this is what is happening with you. Birth control pills contain hormones, and when we go off those hormones, it can take a little while four our body's regular hormones to catch up to the game and get back on schedule. If you are worried that you might be pregnant, you can always take an HPT test to be sure, but from what you describe I would be 99% sure that it's the fact you stopped your pills. Try not to stress about it too much, as that can delay things also. Just use another form of birth control until your period comes and then you should be able to start in with your new pack.

September 29, 2009 - 9:15am


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