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Hi Ladies my name is ashley and my problem is sence i had my daughter almost 7 months ago i had alot of medical problems: preclampsyia after birth then a blood infection 3 weeks later then found out a week after that i had post partum depression got put on zoloft well did start a period until 3 months after i had my daughter and i have them every 5 weeks since i started having one so last month i had one on the 20th of september and now its october 30th and still havent started took 2 prego tests one yesterday and they came up negative ive been under alot of stress lately not sleeping alot lately just started college,had flu then cold, kids got sick, financial stress,sisters having alot of family problems trying to help deal with etc....... can zoloft and stress make me not have a period?

October 30, 2010 - 10:00pm


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