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EmpowHER Guest

Like all anonymous posters here, I am paranoid that I may be pregnant. Although I am emotionally prepared to raise a child, I am not financially prepared (I'm in my second year of law school, so I'm actually in a lot of debt thanks to government loans) and so the timing is rather undesirable. I just became sexually active in June, and did not have sexual intercourse on a regular basis until this past month. The sex, stupidly on my part, has been unprotected (he never ejaculated in me or around my vagina). My last period began on the evening of the 16th of October. I have had sex on the 20th, the 22nd, and the 29th of October, as well as the 9th of November. I took Next Choice on the 11th of November because I was feeling worried after the intercourse on the 9th. While my period has never been regular (and has been delayed because of both physical [I've had periods stop right in the middle when I've suddenly been sick with a cold or the flu] and emotional stress, ergo, trying to track it in the past has been pointless), I have never completely skipped over one. I have been experiencing what are, for me, tell-tale signs that my period is due. I am terrified to get a pregnancy test because I don't want to have my worst fears confirmed (ironic, considering that it would probably bring me peace of mind). The whole ordeal has made me an absolute emotional wreck (trying to figure out how the heck I'd be able to afford having a kid), and I really don't have anyone to lean on for emotional support. Thanks in advance for any and all responses.

November 17, 2010 - 3:02pm


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