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I was hoping someone could help me with what I should do next..
My period is late (it's irregular; and over the last year I've been tracking it, it's run from from 21 days to 35 days, but over the past few months it's settled on 30-31 days). My last period started on Oct 22nd. I took a home pregnancy test on Nov. 27, and it was negative. I don't think I have any symptoms of pregnancy (though I haven't been sleeping well because I'm stressed out about my period being late) or anything like that.

I had sex with a condom on Nov. 14, but we noticed afterwards that the sperm had leaked backwards out of the base of the condom back onto him (since he was lying down).

I don't think I've been under any particular stress or anything recently. The only change this month has been that I've started taking a multivitamin supplement (I started around the beginning of November). Would this affect anything?

So basically, I was wondering - what should I do next? I was planning on taking another home pregnancy test in a few days if my period still hasn't started. If it's negative again and I still don't have my period, should I book an appointment with a doctor to get a blood test or get it checked out?


November 29, 2010 - 3:19pm


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