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Anonymous (reply to Pat Elliott)

Well, I'm happy to report that I've had not one but 2 periods since my freak-out back in mid-November (and I'm back to abstaining from sexual intercourse because I now realize how unprepared I am for a baby and I don't want to take any chances, not even a 1% chance). The first one came on Thanksgiving Day, when I was more focused on getting home and going to my friend's wedding the next day rather than on whether I may or may not be pregnant.

I guess it's just another story of mind over matter. I've learned to not psych myself out over being pregnant because if you obsess over it like I was, then your body will either a) be too stressed to function properly or b) start prepping itself for the fertilized egg (which includes holding onto that menstrual lining).

January 9, 2011 - 11:18am


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