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(reply to alexa)

Well, you can look at the facts:
- You used a condom, and they are up to 98% effective at protecting against pregnancy. You made a good decision to use a condom!
- You are having the same symptoms as you have had before every previous period
- Most symptoms of early pregnancy do not begin until AFTER a missed period, as it takes 10-14 days for a fertilized egg to travel and implant (after ovulation). Pregnancy symptoms do not occur until further along in a pregnancy; the first pregnancy symptom is usually a missed period.

You are dealing with a lot of emotional stuff right now, and engaging in self-harm can definitely cause more physical and emotional stress (which leads to self-harming...a vicious cycle). Are you seeking treatment for your self-harm, bulimia/purging and thinking that hurting yourself will make your period start? You know intuitively this is not right...but there is still something causing you to do these behaviors. I hope you are talking with a great Psychologist and Medical Doctor, who can help you in your recovery process! :)

January 9, 2011 - 10:18pm


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