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EmpowHER Guest

Thank you for all the videos and for just having the courage to open up about trich, let alone open up about it on camera. I am 29 years old and have had trich for 21 years- for the first time i have eyelashes and eyebrows back but it has been a daily struggle to keep it up. I have other family members with it but we never spoke about it and it's funny but I was always convinced everyone knew without me telling but seeing you I realize that it is not so obvious. You are the first person I have seen (rather than just reading about online) that I can relate to- we actually look a bit alike too.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for sharing. It's such a terrible disease but I think the only way it will ever get better is if more people with trich talk about it and more people without trich actually understand what trich is.

Blogging about it has helped me-support from others has been so helpful- http://trichgirl2010.blogspot.com/ and I know tomorrow I will be sharing your info with anyone who actually reads my blog. Good luck!

March 8, 2010 - 5:58pm


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