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Hi all, i'm a 25 year old guy. My sexual life started when i was 16. I always had an above average sex drive.Well, so ive been told from the girlfriends i had through time.
I know find myself thinking the same thing about my new partner.I feel i might have an average or below average sex drive.We've spoken about it. She's had more sexual partners than me too.
My high sex drive was always within relationships.When single i NEVER looked for sex and never understood nor currently understand peoples extreme need for sex when single.I've had the occasional one night stand which was not looked for but was only the typical ''being approached by a girl, getting drunk, which leads to a bed and sex'' I never do the approaching a girl myself hence how my sex drive isnt high when single.

Back to my new girlfriend.She speaks about sex like its a be all and end all.When we spoke about it she constantly states that it isnt and can come a time were her sex need is not fulfilled for various reasons and that she will deal with it. However she contradicts herself by saying lack of sex lead to fights in other relationships she had.

This girl i reckon is the love of my life . Never met anyone like her and she is the first person i have honestly loved.
My fear for this may source from various things but i cant figure out what it is.
Is it her having a high sex drive?
Has mine lowered due to 10 years and counting of clubbing(drinking,smoking regularly and occasional light drugs)?
At the moment ''keeping up'' with her is no effort.. i enjoy it but am i fearing i might get a lower sex drive in the future and lose her?
Are these concerns because i finally am experiencing loving a person?

February 14, 2012 - 11:28am


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