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Anonymous (reply to arian)

l do not condone or justify my sleeping with a close friend. But l am doing my best. You have to decide for yourself what is right or wrong. l love my wife (married a month now), l also love being intimate with just her, but from 3times a day to once or twice a month, this is hell. l have chosen to keep a 'friend with benefits', it keeps my me satiefied. Problem is, when you reach that orgasm, all you really want is the one you truly love, for them to hold you and for you to tell them how much you love them. Sex with friend might be great, sex with my wife is the greatest, when she takes the time. high sex drive can be a curse if unequally yoked. But, choose well on what you do with it.

March 12, 2012 - 1:13am


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