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Hi i am 20 years old and have been suffering vestibuldynia since i was 13 years old! i went to the doctors for years and they told me it was thrsuh! however they told me to go to a specialist gyneacologist! i have been seeing a professor who specalises his vulva disorders and i still have found no cure. I have had 4 operations to make my vagina bigger but also had steroidsand botox injected into the walls of the vagina to control the muscles however that hasnt worked. I have been using steroid creams such as trimovate, dermovate, betnovate and only some of those help to calm my soreness down. I can not have sex at all and i have been with my boyfriend for 3 years. he is very understanding as this is putting a strain on our relationship. i considered sexual counselling but my problem is not in the mind i have a physical problem that hasnt been cured. this is definately putting a downer on my life. i hve just been to see the professor and he has told me to not use and creams or anything and i am going to have patch tests to see if i can find where i might be having a reaction. i have aslso been told that my problem lies within my body and that it is my immune system attacking anything that goes near my vestibule so my problem will never ever be cured all the professor wants to do is try and make my life as easy as possible and as bearable. i wont ever be able to have a healthy sex life as my body wil attack so it looks like i will be on creams and tablets for the rest of my life and i am only 20 years old :-(! i have tried pretty much everyting this professor has to offer and he is the top man pretty much in the united kingdom, he has published over 130 papers and wrote text books and everything and even he is mindboggled!

September 3, 2009 - 10:26am


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