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(reply to Alison Beaver)

This is in reply to your post, Alison, and also this post is for Terri. I hope you both read this. I hope, most importantly, you do, Terri.

Alison, I was bothered by your comments. You made it sound as if the Hers Foundation and this video is portraying some one sided view to having a Hysterectomy. You do not even get what they are giving of time to help women to not have this unwarranted, unnecessary, life altering surgery. If the video they provide is appearing as "scary", I would hope so. You state, "...presented in a poorly antiquated manner of using scare - tactics..." How else can they present the truth to this? It is nothing less than "scary" what doctors do to women. I pray you are reading this, Terri. Do not have a Hysterectomy. Pay attention to what the Hers Foundation is providing with information. Do you realize they are trying to help you and other women from having this done to them? There is no going back either. The damage done will be, as I said, "Life altering". I know from personal experience. I had a TAH type of hysterectomy several years ago. I wish I would have seen this "scary" video done by the Hers Foundation. This is not one sided. This has happened to millions of women. It is estimated 600,000 women each year are talked into having this surgery done. It is a money making avenue for doctors, hospitals, etc. who will benefit from this. Unfortunately, the woman having this done, does not. The "etc." part I mention are all who benefit from a woman (as an example) who has to go and see other doctors, have tests done, seek whatever help in the aftermath of her hysterectomy because she does not feel well and worse afterwards. This may vary from seeing other GYNS, technical tests done, medications prescribed, purchasing helpful HRT products, other methods of helping one feel 'normal' after this hysterectomy. So many profit in the 'aftermath' of a woman's bad hysterectomy; except her. I have done the gambit of this myself. I would add up that after the hysterectomy, I have spent (and the insurance company) $20,000, at least. Now, I am not even speaking of the cost of the Hysterectomy itself. These are the costs incurred in the "aftermath" of a Hysterectomy; with me just trying to get help to feel normal again. I still feel awful. I pray you never go through what I have experienced with having a Hyst., and it was just from a couple of benign fibroids causing heavy menstrual bleeding. Had I known about the Hers Foundation then; it could have saved me from what I now live with daily. If you felt one day of what I experience, Terri, and you, Alison, you would run (I mean RUN) out of any doctor's office who said you need a Hysterectomy. I was told by my OB/GYN who I had so much faith in that I would feel "so much better" after having this done.
He pushed me so hard into having it done right away also. I found out later it was due to my insurance changing. (Long story here, but that was why he pushed for immediate surgery performed.) He wanted to take everything too - not just my uterus, but my ovaries, which were fine, and also my appendix. "While I am in there, why not get rid of your appendix. You don't need it." He also wanted to remove a birthmark on my labia which never caused me or my husband any problems. There was no medical reason to remove it. It would only be added dollars for him, and the hospital. I look back on this now, and could cry. I put my whole trust into what he recommended. He never told me about alternatives, and most won't. He even got angry with me when I asked him, with what information I had gotten at the time, about a Myoectomy as an alternative procedure. He said, "No, you need a hysterectomy, and this will save you. You won't have to worry about anymore bloody periods, your sex life will not be altered. You will feel so much better." The only thing he was right about were the periods. He never told me about how damaging this would be to my body. He never told me about my cervix being removed. He never told me about all the ligaments and nerves severed. Oh, I have one thing to mention, as far as nerves. He already knew I had Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, which is a nerve disease which started out in my left leg and spread. He did not even consider this. One doctor, a GYN I went to see after the Hyst. to get help from, said she would not perform a Laprascopy on me when I asked for one to see inside me to see what was wrong after this Hyst.. She said she would not take a chance to further damage my nerves by this procedure/surgery since I have RSD. Why didn't the doctor who did the Hyst. not think of this? Well, I know why, and he was out to make the "almighty dollar". Here was a doctor I had seen for seventeen years, and put all my faith into what he said to me. I have never been so mislead and mistreated by a physician.

I have been the same as a man being castrated. I can never get my organs back which were the basis to my physical and emotional being and functioning. Read what other women post, not only at the Hers Foundation site, but others. If there is a matter of to "tease out the nuggets of
truth", I am one of those "nuggets". So are millions of women like me out there who have experienced the same. Do you, Terri, want to wind up like one of us? There are too many adverse effects to list here. Are you married, or have a significant other? Get ready for a complete different sex life. I should say rather; get ready, Terri, for a severe lack of. Is your partner ready for this? My husband's and my sex life was at a '10+' before; after even being married for twenty years. It was spontaneous, do it in the shower before work, French Maid outfit (one, as an example), fish net stockings, and 'do it' on the lounge chair in the family room when the kids were not home' type of love making before the Hyst., but now... I cannot remember the last time we made love. I should have my husband post here. He can share with you the shell of a woman I have become, and only after the Hyst., and I won't get into the depth of my many physical problems, but there are many. I was so active and vibrant before my Hyst., and I am lucky to get out of bed in the morning on some days. I have to sleep with a heating pad, at all times, on my abdomen to help with the pain. I am always fatigued, feel off, have no drive, have insomnia, feel horrible back pain when I bend over for over a minute, gag when I brush my teeth, have some family and friends question what happened to the vivacious, active, and achieving person they knew before, and wonder what happened to my fantastic sex drive I once had.

Scary video? I hope so. I hope it will make one stand up and say, "No way, doctor! You are not going to take my life away! Kiss the ground that the Hers Foundation walks on. They are only to be commended for getting the 'word' out. Any comments one posts about this "Foundation" to an ill nature, will receive my feedback in two fold.

Terri, please, oh please, do not have a Hysterectomy. I implore you! Do not wind up with problems I have described here, and other ones also. You can find alternative procedures. For goodness sakes, listen to me. There is no going back. If the doctor who you are seeing is not providing to you alternatives; then run, not walk, out of his office.

Alison, as I said, I hope you are never faced with this decision. In
the meantime, I ask you to go to the Hers Foundation website and read what women have posted. Check the 'Archives'. You, Alison, have not a clue what we have experienced; the ones who faced this horrible decision;
then talked into the wrong choice. So many women's lives could be so much to the better right now, had they seen the Hers video, in order to
make an "INFORMED DECISION". Hers is a foundation which is providing
what knowledge they have formulated, and they are FACTS. I can vouch
for this; as I am one of their 'nuggets' of factual information which
they provide. "Scare tactics"? The only person who sounds scary to me is you, Alison. Yes, Terri, talk to other women, and this is an avenue for you. But, anyone to put lesser creditionals/lesser quality as what
Hers Foundation (yes, foundation, Alison)is helping with and providing to women is a ridiculous thought. Do you think these women, along with me, are making this up? You, Alison, will only know and appreciate this when you actually live in these women's bodies. Until then, do not put down and bite a helping hand feeding you... This is a money making business for doctors to get away with. When you realize this is the prime reason, and really, really do your research; then do a post. Again, I hope the Hers Foundation video scares the "He.." out of women. Remember again, there is no going back once this is done. Also, a man could never live with his balls gone, and half his penis removed. Why would anyone ask a woman to do a surgery asking the same? Well, it is done, and millions of women can vouch for this. I am one of them. Not any doctor would ask a man to have this surgery done, and I think we know; any man would run out of a doctor's office telling him, "You will feel so much better afterwards. Your sex life will not be altered either" (etc. etc.) Why would this be any different for a woman?

I hope the best for you, Terri. If you need to talk with anyone, go to the Hers Foundation website. People are there to help. If you want, my husband will contact your husband/significant other. I also hope the best for you, Alison. Just keep your wits about you if ever you are faced with a doctor telling you that you need a Hysterectomy, and RUN, not walk out of that office... ("Scare-tactic"? I certainly hope so.)

April 6, 2009 - 8:20pm


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