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(reply to Anonymous)

Hello Jennifer,

It sounds as if you are getting into the 'thick of it' to find out what is wrong with you, and also be advised of what to do with whatever problems you are realizing. Could you expand on what your problems are, and what you have been told, thus far? It is great when you say "we will be meeting"; which I am taking as your husband, and perhaps more of family will join you when you meet with this doctor. I guarantee you will be listening, but be in a different 'zone', and good to have loved ones there to take 'good notes'
along with you. This is so important. This leaves open, with anyone else there, to ask questions you may have not thought of or forget to ask - been there, done that. Also, it is a good 'Witness protection protection program; if you will...

I may sound 'one sided', but I am not. I made the most serious mistake with having a Hysterectomy, and how sad it was; that I was 'pushed' into having one. There are too many alternatives out there, and for anything wrong with a female - there is always another way to save our such 'VITAL ORGANS'. I wish I would have heard from someone as myself to 'save me' from this mutilization. I am giving you a gift here, and I pray you heed my statements and comments. Everyone, I mean...

Bless you for forging on with your trials - with whatever they may be. Just remember also; this Hysterectomy 'Business' is a money making opportunity for doctors, and some do not know how to perform the less expensive; yet more complex alternative operations to save the uterus and ovaries; i.e., Myectomy, etc., and they do not make the money as can be had with a Hysterectomy, and full, blown out one with convincing a woman she needs to have her intact and healthy ovaries removed too.
This happened with me. A doctor tried to convince me I did not need my HEALTHY Ovaries, and tried to take those while he was performing the Hyst. on me - which I did not have to have either. My point being (again) there are alternatives, and my doctor led me to believe there were not. It sickens me to no end that I was mutilated for no reason for two fibroids, and this doctor wanting to take my ovaries also. Thank goodness a close friend of mine told me to stop, and not let him take my ovaries. Oh, and by the way, he also wanted to take my appendix out while in there. "Cha Ching, Cha Ching, Cha Ching"
went his pockets; as he was trying to rack up all he could with me for profit. I cannot believe we put faith into doctors as this, and they are everywhere. Women get the brunt of a doctor's 'greediness', due to this being a mockery of a necessary operation. This has to STOP! This has to stop NOW!

Mark my words - people will look back on this, and the overall will be viewed as insane; doctors were able to get away with this for so long. I hope my daughter will see this, and not later with my granddaughter. The sooner the better - this stops! If it takes until my great-granddaughter; then this is more than insane. It is a Holocaust carried on way too long against women...

I vented, yes. I just hate to see one more woman be blinded and lose what is (as they say in Greek - her 'Caffie' (Spelling- excuse me...), but that is just one thing/area lost and taken away (oh, the physical is hideous, and just loss of sexual drive is cruel. Ask my husband. He can vouch for having a 'sex kitten' before, and now... (Gosh, how this hurts me; because, it hurts him too.)

I wish all the Best!

See Dandy

October 9, 2009 - 8:03pm


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