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(reply to Anonymous)

Whooohoooo!!! Great last two posts by you two 'Anon's. It did make me stop to think with one comment as to why men, and I would especially think our husbands/significant others do not speak up more feverishly. My husband is so mad and upset; yet, he does not know what to do. He does support and listen to me, which is great; yet, it is still a 'man's world', and if this was happening to men - there would be protests and rallies on the front lawn of the White House. Sad that it is and has been happening to women for ages, but since we still are living in a "Man's World" - our words and protests fall upon so many 'Deaf Ears'.

Mark my words - someday people will look back on this medical 'Holocaust' to women, and say, "How were doctors able to get away with this?" I have this vision of the future where people will state this and question why something was not done much sooner; i.e., laws passed, doctors fined/put into jail even, for their actions and lies to females. And these people, in the future, looking at the past regarding unnecessary Hysts. will see that laws were finally passed and doctors will also not be able to practice who violate such laws enacted. But this is the future I am having a vision of. I hope this vision is sooner than later. I hope my daughter, her daughter, and her daughter live in this world where doctors cannot even attempt to get away with this holocaust surgery to women.

I can speak first hand because it happened to me. My husband can speak 'first hand' because it has affected him by me having this Hyst., and I can stand up to anyone who says that it is okay for doctors to recommend a Hyst. as a means to treat their problem. Bologne! Not when there are so many other alternatives to save vital organs of a female and VITAL Sexual Organs!

On a side note: I have a cousin who is a nurse. She had a Hyst. a few years before I did for fibroids. I asked her about her outcome with her Hyst., and asking her as I was told by the GYN who did the Hyst. on me that he was pushing me into having one. I wanted her opinion before I made a decision on having a Hyst.. She said, "Oh, well - I have had some minor problems afterwards, but not huge." I sensed she did not want to talk about it, but did not think about it much at the time. Well, now I do, and it dawned on me that since her Hyst., she and her husband have separated twice, almost got a divorce, and my cousin's husband said to me once upon visiting at a family function (after they got back together), "She is just not the same. She complains a lot about the things she did not before. I can't put my finger on it, but she is different." I think I figured it out now as to why she had changed. Plus - he did say their sex life "stunk". Even as she being a nurse; I don't think she put it together that this was centered around her having a Hyst., and don't think her husband did either. Two separations go to show that lives are affected in so many ways from a female having a Hyst., and although I am glad they are back together; I wonder if they will figure it out that her changes and she being not into making love now stemmed all from the Hyst.. Now some may read this, and say there could be other additives of reasons. I will argue this all day long, and can speak with some expertise. I don't have to be a doctor to be able to speak with knowledge...

April 9, 2010 - 4:22pm


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