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EmpowHER Guest

I am the one that said we should put the responsibility where it belongs (on the criminal gynecologists), but if ALL women were armed with the truth, they would run the other way too. Most people are so brainwashed with propaganda that has been instilled in the public that it's difficult to make them understand the truth. I never trusted doctors either and refused to consent to a hysterectomy but woke up hysterectomized and castrated anyway. I am far from stupid, or dumb or even slow. I said NO multiple times, yet I woke up that way anyway, and guess what, there's no law against it! If you read the H Word, the same thing has happened to many women. This is a criminal act regardless of how it happens. These doctors know full well they are harming women and they know there are alternatives, but they continue to decieve women into hysterectomy/castration operations. It is hard for people to believe that doctors are lying to them on such a large scale and getting away with it. I don't think the women are stupid as much as they are brainwashed, and trusting of doctors. What gynecologists are doing to women is unthinkable, and that's why it's so hard to get across to the general public. It is frustrating.....and some women seem stupid after you tell them the truth and they go and have it done anyway. Maybe some are stupid, and maybe others are just so brainwashed that the truth can't get through.

April 10, 2010 - 5:03am


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